Some additional thoughts about downsizing.   I have gotten some interesting comments about getting rid of things.  But, moving will usually motivate people to get started.  I just am a drastic case.  I started with a lot, and I now have room physically for a little.  Also, I don’t have anyone who wants my stuff but me. And I will always have my memories.

Selling only goes so far.  One lady sold a purse.  I have not even tried to sell clothes – sweaters, purses, shoes or other items.  No, that is not true.  I am trying to sell expensive NEW golf shoes (Steve and I were preparing to play a lot of golf)  but no one wants them.  I am now trying to sell his golf clubs but so far, no one wants them, either. 


I am hoping that the Holidays will bring more buyers as people look for gifts for loved ones.  I am now ready to let go of my nicer things – steak knives…

12 gerber-steak-knives-matching-lot-of-miming-knife-set-sword-logo-legendary-review-stainless-steel-stea

Mama Dorough’s Silverware.  It is vintage silverplate. 


Today, I posted 5 nice things.  I have more to come.  Somehow, getting rid of objects is easier for me than getting rid of old photographs of my parents and relatives and old photograph albums of everyone that I have EVER known.  Haha.  Somehow, it seems like it is proof that all of us actually existed.  But, when I think about it, that doesn’t seem very healthy – mentally.  So, I am still thinking about that one.  My friend Susan posted a meme on Facebook this week that has me thinking.  


Maybe that thought will help me throw out more old stuff – like old magazines, old newspaper articles, and such. 


I now have four boxes of stuff – old birthday cards, old drawings by my kids when they were young, thousands of articles about Daddy, and such.  I was always going to write a book about him.  (sigh).  I remember all of it.  So, when I look at pictures or read an article, I realize that I am the only one who cares!  And, and that thought, along with most of it, makes me cry.  And crying makes my eyes puffy or gives me a headache. Haha.

Can I get the boxes down to three?  Plus I have other boxes with saved stuff – all of Steve’s valuable N-Scale trains.  Where am I going to put 8 boxes of stuff???  So, I am going to Paris with a damaged Steinway, 4 (hopefully 3) boxes of memories, photographs, and assorted stuff, two shelves of books!!!!!!!, a desk with computer/and printer, a work cart, 8 boxes of trains, a Panasonic Digital movie camera (that Steve used for depositions), Wayne Gretzky’s hockey stick, pots & pans, a lot of dish-ware & silverware,  and a cat.  Really, it is time to get a grip!  (sigh.)  Witness the photograph below – hanging on the wall.  Wish me luck.

Best, Jayunnamed.jpg



Published by jjaywmac

Jay W. MacIntosh (born Janet Tallulah Jewell) is a retired attorney, actress, and writer from the United States, living in Paris, France. She is a member of the California Bar and selected to the 2018, 2019, 2020 Southern California Super Lawyers list. She holds a Master’s Degree in Drama from the University of Georgia and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and Zodiac Scholastic Society. As an actress, she is a member of The Actors Studio, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS), SAG-AFTRA, and ASCAP, performing in film and television in the United States and France. Her published works include Journal of Janet Tallulah, Volume 1, Journal of Janet Tallulah, Volume 2, The Origins of George Bernard Shaw’s Life Force Philosophy, Moments in Time, Capturing Beauty, JAYSPEAK on the Côte d’Azur, and Janet Tallulah.


  1. I disagree with your friend Susan’s meme. It should be “Oh, what we WOULD be if we stopped carrying the remains of who we were.” There wouldn’t be much to us then! >


    1. Hi, Kay, I don’t know what you mean? Do you mean we need to carry around the remains of who we were in order to be any thing today? Otherwise we would be nothing? Hmmm. I don’t get it.


  2. I got rid of old birthday cards a long time ago. Nana Lou kept boxes and boxes of cards, probably every one she ever received, and I was the one who had to throw them all out. (By the way, I didn’t know she was ever called Annie Dorough, as in the yearbook photo above.) I kept only one or two pieces of artwork done by Katie when she was little. But I have a gazillion old family photos of Jewells and Dicksons and Doroughs and their ancestors and relatives and stacks of articles about Papa. So it’s quite possible that some of what I have (maybe a lot of what I have) are duplicates of what you have. If so, rest assured they’re not lost. I have boxes full here at this house and more at Dad’s, and I intend to hang on to them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi , Debby, I had carried around The Chiliwean, or whatever the Maryville yearbook was called but, after I made that photo, I tossed it. I actually wanted to keep it (don’t know why, because no one would have looked at it but me), so I let it go. Mother was a Freshman that year. Don’t remember the year (1920/21?). She was a Freshman. I never knew she was called “Annie Dorough”, either. It is cute. And it fits her “sometimes” fun personality (on a good day). I have streamlined my book collection – books that I have had for years – gone. I am really feeling good about getting down my “stuff” to less baggage. I want to be able to take up and go – wherever it is – more easily. In other words, “what you see is what you get”. And if that isn’t enough, then tough s—-! When Steve moved in with me in California after moving to Florida, all his “stuff” was in a few boxes. He had a huge condo of things in California and in Florida. He got rid of it ALL and only brought back his favorite things. PlusI have re-read a lot of things from old journals that I had forgotten. So I don’t know if I had blocked the unpleasantness or forgiven the people or just forgotten that it happened! Haha. Thanks, but I doubt I will be writing that book about Daddy. And if I do, I will do it from memory, unless I change my mind. Long reply. Fun to write!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Please forgive mistakes. Between my spellcheck and texting and the size of my phone, ugh. The meaning is not clear.


  3. I feel sad 😢Please give those things to your Grandchildren. Your children would love the things they made for you,
    I know my day will come when I have to do that because of my age. But… I’m already giving my children some things, although I’m not moving.
    You didn’t ask my advice, but just don’t get rid of something you’ll regret later
    Don’t let your emotions mess you up.
    You don’t know me really, but I feel like I know you from reading your books and blogs all these years.
    I’m glad you’re keeping Missy. I wish you happiness and good luck in Paris.

    Liked by 2 people

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